In the beginning ........ was the hair on the palms; the desire to run semi-naked through the country under the light of the silvery full moon; the deep thirst that can only quenched by several pints of 5% real ale. By the time Alan Drew was eight his parents realized he wasn't going to change.

As Alan grew up he fell in with more and more questionable company. Eventually he found himself hanging out with a group called the Essex Hash House Harriers. Their taste for beer and running made him feel almost completely at home, but still something was missing from his life. 1988 saw Alan, along with Willie Cum, hashing through the wilds of Colorado. What they found completely blew their minds. Full moon running, black T shirts, live hares, songs, fun, friendship, spontaneity. Alan had found his spiritual nirvana.

On returning home Alan found that the ESSEX HHH might have heard of all these words but weren't really sure where they went in a sentence. It was time to move on. In 1989, answering an ad in a local rag, Alan met up with Ringpiece to discuss creating a breakaway group. After kicking around a few non-starters Alan outlined what he had found in USA, and how it could be adapted to work in England. Monthly runs under the moon, different location to bring in people from other hashes etc. "You are such a smartarse!" said Ringpiece " How about calling ourselves the First U.K. Full Moon hash.........FUK fm?"
From one conversation came the foundations of FUK as we know it and a new name for Alan.

The inaugural run was set for the full moon in February 1990 but, as is the way of things, had to be postponed to the following month. Life ain't always easy.....and on March 10 (the big day) Smartarse's wife gave birth to their second child. Ever the expert of multi-tasking Smartarse 'trimmed' the evening visit to the hospital to indecent shortness before dashing out, stopping only to change costume in a phone box..(whoops, that's another super-hero) join 15 other like minded hashers at the birth of his other 'child'. The FUKFM had arrived. Since that wonderful day a growing band of enthusiasts will gather in a pub car park - generally somewhere in North London, Herts or Essex - under the light of the silvery, ready to drink, run, drink more and generally enjoy life.